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"... yesterday, today and tomorrow, walking on the path to SUSTAINABILITY"


The raw materials used are carefully selected to offer a product safe for the halth of the operators, while maintaining high quality standards.

The joined production of the diamond wire and of the machines allows to fully exploit the potential of cutting, while minimizing the maintenance or the regeneration. This dynamism reduces the ambiental impact of the entire productive cycle as regards the processing and raw materials waste.

The optimization of the cuttin process reduces the wear of the machine and enlarges the life of the diamond wire, reducing the waste both in terms of energetical consumption and waste material.


The possibility to test directly and jointly the machines and the diamond wire allowed the two companies to accumulate experience and unique know-how that is the real competitive advantage at sectorial level.

The dynamic ambient constantly up to date with the new technologies keeps the offered product range in continuous evolution towards the technological solutions that increasingly meet the maket needs, optimizing the used resources.

Where possible the BROCCO group predisposes the cutting process to use renewable energy resources.



It is an aware choice of the BROCCO group to maintain the investet capital within Italy contributing to the growth of the youth labor force nationwide.

The BROCCO group continuously participates to research projects at regional, national and european level, in collaboration with the most important research centers and universities in Italy and external.

The safety and with the work ambient are constantly monitored and updated with current legislation.



Via Mario Franza,1
10010 Lessolo (To) - Italy


+39 0125 58791
+39 0125 562005

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